Friday, December 25, 2009

White Christmas - December 25, 2009

In Oklahoma a white Christmas is a rare occurance, and this year we made history in the form of a blizzard - the likes of which have not been seen around here in many years. In one day it snowed 13 inches, the wind blowing 50 miles an hour. In a short time it looked like we lived someplace up north, certainly not Oklahoma! Snow covered the windows and doors, drifts up against front doors kept them tightly shut. Last minute shopping became a memory - traveling was not advised and the word was "Stay Home!" We did - although people who were either driving home from work, driving here for Christmas from another state, or those who figured they could manuver the snow and ice found themselves in long traffic lines - stopped or stuck in snow drifts on the interstates, highways, and side streets, even stranded in their offices and airport. It was day to remember. The mail never came, no paper today - it's amazing how something like a blizzard can shut down an entire busy city and busy people.

But - that's one reason I loved it - for one day I felt a sense of solidarity with everyone - we all were in the same boat. For just a day, and really only part of the day - we were all home (at least those who made it!), glued to television sets giving the latest weather updates, having to make do with what we had - for just a day. No frantic last minute shopping for that one last thing - we were done. Lots of services were canceled and family traditions set aside - as we all listened to the howling wind, watched the snow accumulate, bundled up in warm clothes, and waited. For Christmas.

We've been bombarded with Christmas materialism since October, really, the end of September. Bombarded with messages and advertisements to buy, buy, buy, get, do, purchase, and on and on. December the first I actually felt way behind. The message seemed to be - the perfect Christmas equals the perfect gift or gifts, decorations, etc. and spending tons of money. I liked the message this Christmas eve better than any I've heard in a long time - wait, be quiet, slow down, do without, listen, stay home.

And just maybe in the quietness someone heard the still small voice of our Savior. I hope so.

O come let us adore Him - Christ the Lord. Happy Birthday Jesus!

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